Friday 13 July 2012

In memory of Anthony Conroy

This week is one year on from something that I never dreamed I'd have to deal with. The loss of one of my closet and best friends.

I miss that clumsy fucker every single day, something always gives me that feeling, the Anto-would've-loved-this feeling that makes me so sad but proud to have known him. He influenced so much in my life, from my love of horror, nonsense and shit movies, to wanting to try and make some of these dumb ideas into real-life movies. Thing is, he was so damn talented himself that he could have done so much, his scripts, his music,  his ideas.

Recently the thing that makes me smile most is something he said on the set of Dead Event, when he told me he'd be happy to keep making dumb zombie movies for the rest of his life. Well, he got to make one and I'm so thankful he got to see it before it was too late.

So in memory of our favorite lanky, kilt wearing, klutz of a steampunk, here is our movie Dead Event....

We had to sadly cut Anto out of it cause he had a fucking smile on his face when getting attacked by zombies....

So we're now doing a movie called Papercuts, that Anto and myself started a few years ago.

I miss you buddy.