Wednesday 21 September 2016


Low-budget film-makers have more chance of being bitten by sharks, winning the lottery or making apples fall into space than they have of producing glossy period dramas. That’s why the smart ones fall in love with horror, with a genre that finds the macabre in the mundane, a creaky door, an old farmhouse, telephones ringing in the dead of night. That’s why, until Isaac Newton tumbles out of the sky muttering alien physics, you’ll see so many low-budget film-makers make their start with horror.

Zombie Virus On Mulberry Street
is a prime example of creep on the cheap. The film shares similarities with Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later. Both films use guerrilla photography to great effect and both films behave like zombie movies while not, technically, being zombie movies at all. 28 Days Later had the ‘Infected’, deadly victims of a psychological virus. Mulberry Street has half rat, half human cannibals that sprout snouts and whiskers and chew their way through walls and flesh. The soon-to-be evicted tenants of a New York apartment block must hold out against a killer virus sweeping the city, .


2.18am - 22/09/2016

I don't want to turn on the light again to write this on paper.

Listening to Nick Cave's new album (Skeleton Trees, for future Stephen to not be infuriated by, at this point Cave may be dead or ascended to supreme being) and feeling useless. Such a bizarre week of being reminded how short life is. How humbling a week it has been. Everyone is so talented.

But I'm still feeling so dumb and a waste. That is hardly fair, its pretty fucking selfish right? Pretty. I just need to push myself to being the most creative and interesting person I can be, not waste another moment.

Ugh, I feel stupid and hopeless.

Moved onto Leonard Cohen (Songs of Love and Hate you pretentious bumblefuck). I shouldn't be allowed a second thought with these paragraphs, write it as you think it and when we review it late it'll be more interesting. I am so desperate to be interesting.

Diamonds in the Mine is class. Make late night

Rate my mood.


Will figure out a graph later.