Monday 30 April 2012

Avengers Assemble

Iron Man, Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and now its time for AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! With Joss Whedon in the engine room of this superhero powered money-train, you can consider my nerd powerfully gasmed.

So what could possibly go wrong exactly?

Well, not a lot. Sure there are a few talkie bits that might need a little trim. SURE the story is exactly the same as Transformers 1, in so much as a bad guy has a magic cube to rule the world, good guys want magic cube back, smash shit up etc. SUUUUURE its a little too long. But y'know if only blockbusters could look and sound this slick, if they all had a central Hulk performance this funny and awesome. If Joss Whedon could just be involved in every movi....OK maybe not but he certainly manages to make a really fun, cartoon of an action movie, with ludicrous bad guys who cackle and curly their mustaches with malevolent glee. A movie so crammed full of heroes but everyone gets a chance to shine. The dialogue is sharp and funny without be too heavy on the Whedonisms. Who really gives a hoot about story when shit it blowing up!

What we have here is a big, loud blockbuster that is tense and exciting but doesn't forget to be as fun and silly in all exactly the right places. Roll on Avengers Assemble 2: The Assemblinating...

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