Sunday 8 April 2012

Wrath of the Titans

Boring boring boring.

Its pretty much the first movie with all the boring bits taken out, yet somehow manages to still be really boring.

There is a moment where the giant (and I mean GIANT) mountain monster-lad comes teaming out of the earth and it really looked impressive. But I couldn't for the life of me figure out what in the shitting demi-Gods was going on! Its a maze of -eseous sounding names and infuriatingly messy fight scenes.

Its not the worst movie you'll ever seen but its so inconsequential that you are not better nor worse from having seen it! Its like spending 90 minutes staring at the poster for this fucking movie but with half the entertainment value.

Liam Nesson and Ralph Fiennes are better than this. Sam Worthington is not.

So go watch Moneyball instead, which I just watched this weekend and its great.

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