Sunday 24 June 2012

Killer Joe

Killer Joe is the newest picture from William Friedkin, whom brought us The Exorcist, which I have yet to watch in full after being scared shitless halfway through when I was 12. Killer Joe is a little different, it tells the story of a Texan white-trash family who plot to kill their white-trash mother/ex-wife to reap the life insurance reward. In walks Killer Joe Cooper, a full-time cop moonlighting as a hired hitman. The crew hire Joe but are a little unprepared for Joe's utterly bonkers tendencies. 

So I'm a day with this movie to rest in my brain and honestly the more it stays with me, the more I think it was really great. Its reminded me of southern double-cross thrillers like Red Rock West or Blood Simple but with a nasty violent streak and a sexually charged uncomfortableness that leaves you squirming in your chair. The tension is racked up by the absolutely fantastic Matthew McConaughey. I know! Matthew Mc-NoShirt-Conaughey...


McConaughey is fucking TERRIFYING! His charming, square jawed handsomeness draws you in but his unflinching batshit craziness spits you right back out. 

Killer Joe is an uncomfortable, nerve-racking ride, b-movie ride. Genuinely very funny at one turn then horrifically violent and unpleasant at another, well worth a look. Especially for its utterly brilliant ending. 

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